Thursday, October 1, 2015

Unit 2 Test Reflection

Today during our chemistry class, we took our unit test over atomic structure and radioactivity, which we have been covering for the past several weeks. The test covered determining the number of protons, neutrons and electrons, mass number, atomic number, calculating average atomic mass, abundance, radioactivity and the three particles included in that, fission and fusion, and the scientists and their experiments and the resulting theories. Overall, I think I was more prepared for this test than I had expected to be. I set aside a lot of time for preparation, and it appears it ended up paying off. The only questions I struggled with at first were half life, but when I went back to these questions I realized I had been overcomplicating the problems. From there I was able to easily find and check my answers for these problems. I think half lives will be a topic I will need to review before taking the next quiz or test. I am very confident in my performance today and I am excited to see what material we will be covering in the next unit!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing your thoughts on the unit test, Holly. I completely agree with you about being more prepared than I thought I would be. I went into the test not feeling confident at all, but just like you, I finished the test feeling pretty successful. I also had a little trouble with the half-life problems, but I didn't realize that the reason was probably because I was over-complicating everything. Thank you for bringing that up in your post, otherwise I probably would have just moved onto the next unit still worrying about half-life equations. Overall, I feel very similarly about the test, and am also excited for the next unit!
