Wednesday, September 30, 2015

At Home

As I have been learning more and more about half lives and have been preparing for our unit test, I have had a great amount of struggle in memorizing the methods. There are a few ways this can be approached, and I did not fully understand the explanation in class. I did, however, find this link that was very helpful in working out these problems. Now, I will be more prepared for our unit test that includes half life problems. Here is the link for the problems I found!


  1. Thank you, Holly, for including this very explanatory link in your post! I too struggle with memorizing all the methods, but this website explained in depth all information that is necessary to know! I too feel prepared for our half life test problems after reading this great link. I really connected with this post and appreciate you providing me with extra help!

  2. I feel that these methods are a bit confusing at first, however I still find them to be easier than Nomenclature's rules
