Monday, September 21, 2015

9/21/15 In Class

Today during class we began reviewing and learning more about the modern concept of the atomic structure and isotopes. Some of the material, such as basic concepts about protons, neutrons, and electrons, I was already familiar with. However, it was very refreshing to review these small pieces as we transitioned into learning about isotopes. During the review questions in class, I had some difficulty understanding and completing an isotope notation, but now that I have done some extra review, I am much more confident and comfortable with the material. I had some confusion between the mass number and atomic number, but now that I have that clarified, it is much easier to comprehend these notations. In class we also learned how to calculate weighted averages, which I didn't find extremely challenging since it is based of a  formula. As we practice with these in class, I am hoping I am able to complete these problems in the smallest amount of time possible and with minimal obstacles. This simple diagram shows the basics that we have been applying in class
I also found a very helpful video for the average atomic mass calculation, which I was slightly confused on. This video clarified in easy to understand steps how to complete this process.,-Neutrons,-and-Electrons-Step-5.jpg/670px-Find-the-Number-of-Protons,-Neutrons,-and-Electrons-Step-5.jpg


  1. I found the picture you posted very helpful! Normally, when calculating the mass number and finding the atomic number, you don't really think about what the actual atom looks like. By showing the boron atom structure in your picture, it allowed me to fully understand the placement of all the subatomic particles in an atom. One thing you might add is explaining the difference between the mass number and atomic number. I think many people find that concept confusing, and you could give them valuable information! Thanks again!

  2. Thank you! I found your post very easy to understand and follow. During the class notes I didn't really understand the A, Z, and X. I now understand that the A means mass number or number of protons and neutrons, Z means the atomic number or number of protons or neutrons, and X is just the element number. Thank you for the help.
