Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Monday and Tuesday in Class

Over the past two day in class, we have been working on an archeology lab that requires us to deal with half lives. On Monday all we got done was cutting out the 567 squares that represented atoms from the radioactive remains from deer hunter's discovered skeleton. We are trying to determine which of the missing persons match the skeleton found based on the decay of the skeletal remains. Outside of class, we were required to conduct the experiment in which we shook the box of the 567 squares and took out the squares that landed on the colored side. Each time we would count this number of squares then do the same for the squares remaining in the box. Today in class we were able to put together our graph and determine the missing person off of our decay results. I found this very interesting that a small system like this would be able to match a deceased person to their identity. Here are pictures through the process of taking out the colored squares and counting them.

1 comment:

  1. I thought your summary of this lab was super easy to comprehend! I too found it very interesting how such a seemingly small thing could impact a life so directly. I also appreciate the fact that you put pictures of the paper squares just so the experiment could be visualized a little bit easier. The only thing I would suggest would maybe explain the process/science behind the dating system. Great job!!
