Monday, October 26, 2015

Matter and Measurement

Today we took a quiz in class over all the material we have learned over the past week. This includes the states of matter, properties, and separation methods covered in one of my last posts. Other material we covered later in the week was accuracy and precision, significant figures, and conversions in the metric system. The topic I found myself struggling with the most when studying for this quiz was significant figures and heterogeneous and homogeneous mixtures. I have trouble remembering which zeros are significant when they are in front of the decimal or when there is no decimal present. Another silly mistake I believe I made of the quiz is switching accuracy and precision. After looking over my notes later in the day I found that accuracy is the proximity of a measurement to the true value of a quantity while precision is the proximity of several measurements to on each other. Also, accuracy depends on the instrument you are using, while precision depends on you as an individual. Our unit test is Thursday and I will be sure to focus on these things I struggled with on the quiz.
Here are some practice worksheets I will be using in order to prepare for the unit test


  1. The practice worksheet links that you posted were helpful to me when I was trying to study for the quiz we took on Monday I will also go back and do some of the ones I didn't do to study for the unit exam.

  2. Holly, I was struggling with to the similar material as you were on the quiz. I remember homogeneous by the prefix homo meaning one and heterogeneous is obviously the solution or composition of multiple materials that can be easily separated. As for the sig figs, all the numbers and zeros count besides place holding zeros, that is how I remember, hope that helps a little bit.

  3. I also had trouble with the heterogeneous and homogeneous mixture questions on the test. I took a glance at the worksheets you attached and I'm definitely going to use them to study for the unit test tonight. Thanks for the new worksheets, I think they are going to help a lot!!

  4. I was having trouble on a lot of the same things you were. The links to practice worksheets were extremely helpful and I wish I had these resources before the quiz, but it certainly came in handy while studying for the unit exam. Thanks!

  5. After reviewing the worksheets that you included on your blog, they really helped me in the unit exam that we had today. It is always good to include hands on work rather than primarily explanations because it is sometimes hard to grasp at first. Thanks for the awesome links and maybe next time include a video!

  6. Thanks for the links they really helped me understand what I needed to work on
