Sunday, October 25, 2015

Mole Day

Friday in class, we celebrated mole day. For this, we has to sew a mole of our own that had a theme to it. My mole was cookie monster was cookie monster or "cookie molester", and along with my friends' moles, elmo and oscar the grouch, we were able to make sesame street. During class we were able to look at the moles from all the classes and some of them were very funny and their sewing and decorations looked great, while others didn't as much. My mole took me a long time to make, not because it was difficult, but because I struggled sewing when my thread knotted up all the time. Overall, I didn't think the project was too bad and it was nice to have down time in class to celebrate this day. Heres some pictures of my mole and the three moles of our theme together.

 I also didn't really understand the reasoning behind why we were celebrating, so I looked it up and here is a link to what I found.
I also found some jokes to go along with the day that some of my friends and I got a kick out of.


  1. Holly, thank you for sharing this fun post about our Mole Day celebration. I really loved your idea for the "Sesamole Street" theme. It was one of the more clever ones that I saw. However, in your post, I am not able to see the pictures of your mole. It might just be my computer, but you might want to double check on that, just to be sure. Also, thanks for linking a website that explained what mole day was actually about, because I was just as confused as you were, until I looked at that website. Lastly, the website that you shared with all of the mole day jokes were hilarious, so overall I really enjoyed this post!

  2. I absolutely loved your guys' moles! The theme was super creative. I can't see the pictures but thanks for sharing the link to the mole day celebration. I didn't know Mole Day was actually a thing, I thought Mrs. Frankenberg made it up in honor of our project. Also, I was dying at the mole day jokes so thanks for posting!
