Thursday, October 8, 2015

Aspirin day 2

Since we did not do the experiment ourselves, all my observations are unfortunately coming from what I have heard and seen of others.
On this second day, we would have filtered the solution that was previously created on day 1 with a Buchner funnel. The funnel pulled out all of the water and other liquids within the sample, and all that was left present in the funnel were the crystals. With the final product, then a scale was used to make the measurements of mass. The three things that had to be weighed were the filter paper, starting material and the watch glass. After break we will be able to see the sample as dry crystals. I am kind of bummed we did not get to participate in this lab, especially because it carries through the rest of the year.
Here is a video I found that may help explain the basics of the experiment:
This is what the lab setup would have looked like for today, and the measurements my friend got with her experiment- that I will be referring to for the rest of this school year.

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