Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Titration Lab

For the last few days, My lab partner and I have been running an experiment very similar to the one we did last week, percent acetic acid in vinegar, but this time we had to ultimately find the molar mass of an unknown acid. For this lab, we titrate an acid we are given to as I said before, find the molarity of it. First to start the lab, we had to standardize the base solution, so I weighed about 0.2g, added it to a Erlenmeyer flask by rinsing it with diluted water, added about 100mL of diluted water, added 2 drops of indicator, and  finally titrated it until it turned pink. We did this twice and averaged the two for our calculations. When the solution turns pink, we know that all of the KHP had been reacted. Next, we did the same thing by titrating the unknown acid that we had to weigh. Finding the molarity in the first two and solving for just the moles of HA is what was then used for more calculations.
Here are some pictures from the lab:

Also, Lauren broke an Erlenmeyer flask when we were cleaning up lab:


  1. Holly, thanks for sharing! I like how you first explained the lab and then added the pictures to help show what went on in the lab.

  2. Thanks for this interesting post. I like how you explained why you did this lab and how. One thing I would have liked to see was how you did the calculations.

  3. Hahahahhaha that was funny when Lauren broke that... but I like how you explained this lab; very insightful!

  4. Hahahahhaha that was funny when Lauren broke that... but I like how you explained this lab; very insightful!

  5. The titration lab was a lot of fun as well it helped me with problems for the unit exam. I know its not fun to laugh at someone dropping glass , but it was Lauren which made it 10 times better.
