Monday, February 29, 2016

Flame Test Lab

The first experiment we did with this unit was the flame test. It wasn't very difficult, but instead it was much more fun to watch and observe. All we had to do was turn on the Bunsen burner and put the sticks from the sample cups in the flames and observe the colors produced. This went along with our lesson when we were talking about the wavelengths of different colors on the electromagnetic spectrum.
Here are some links to show how it worked:
Here is what one of our tests looked like:

Here is the general idea of what it would look like:



  1. This post was really interesting. I liked how you included the links. Also I liked the pictures I really liked the one that showed what color went with what metal.

  2. I feel like the flame test lab was one of the most fun labs that we had this year in class thus far. I really liked how you included the links to the chemicals regarding the wavelengths. The links really helped with the lab equations and follow up questions.
