Monday, February 8, 2016

Final Lecture

Our last lecture before two labs and a unit exam was over problems with acids and bases involving stoichiometry. With these types of problems we were asked to solve for a particular unknown, generally the pH, concentration, or volume. Most of the problems gave us enough information to directly answer the question, while others didn't. such as those which we had to find the limiting reagent with stoichiometry first. Also, all of the problems we did in class were a 1:1 molar ratio, which was nice to start off with, but also makes it more challenging when problems have different molar ratios. These problems generally are associated with acid-base titrations, so we learned also about the different materials and parts used when conducting a titration.
In addition to doing the stoichiometry we are already familiar with, we were also introduced to the formula MaVa=MbVb, but this only works for a 1:1 molar ratio, and thus it would need an additional step at the end to include that ratio.
Here is a link to practice these problems:
And here is a quick walk through it:

We also slightly talked about Titration Curves within our lesson, which show the relationship between pH and the volume.

1 comment:

  1. I really like how you broke this lecture down. This is a really good source. Thanks!
