Monday, November 23, 2015

Solubility Lab

Friday in class we did a lab called the Solubility lab, and of course we had to pass a pre-lab to get in first. At first I did not get in because I did not properly finish the problem, but we were shown what we did wrong, and as long as we promised to never do it again, we got into the lab. The night before the lab, we were given a table where there were around 45 different double replacement or precipitate reactions. To prepare for the lab, we predicted the outcomes of the reactions, to whether it would form an aqueous product or a solid. Aqueous is a term that we learned that means it can be dissolved in water. It was very crucial in knowing the solubility rules of the products, here is a link listing all those we needed to remember:
Here is a picture of the chart of all the different combinations we had to predict.

Then Friday during class, we actually mixed the chemicals, and we were able to actually see in the dish if they were solid. Majority of what we predicted was right, and only a few were off, but it was fascinating to have a real- life example of what is normally seen as boring balancing and figuring out products. Here is what some of our dishes looked like after mixing:

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