Thursday, November 12, 2015

Formula of a Chloride Lab

Today, we conducted a lab in class where we attempted to determine the formula of the compound zinc chloride by measuring the variety of masses when zinc reacts with hydrochloric acid. During the experiment, we had to measure the beaker, then add a pellet of zinc and remeasure the mass. Once this was done, we measured out 10mL of 3M HCl and added it to the beaker with the zinc. Once our partner group was ready, we placed our mixture on the hot plate and turned the heat up to around 7-8. We had to wait a while, and the reaction was done when there was little to none liquid left in the beaker. Once it was at this stage, we took it off the hot plate and let it cool off before recording the final mass. We used these three masses then to determine the empirical formula.
Here are some pictures from our experiment and my notecard of all our final calculations with the work!

here is a basic video on the procedure, just on a larger scale! 


  1. Holly, I liked how you added a picture of your calculations. It was helpful in showing how you got the empirical formula from the data you collected in the lab.

  2. Thanks for walking me through this lab, I was absent on the day we conducted this, but was very curious about how it would turn out! The pictures are great and I like how you included your calculations. Great post!
