Thursday, December 10, 2015

Stoichiometry start

In the beginning of the Stoichiometry unit, we learned about the relationship between reactants and products in a chemical equation. We learned that by knowing just one value, we are able to calculate the values of the other reactants and products. We started by balancing a chemical equation then used the chart we were given, and personalized the problem while basing it on the chart. With this you are able to find what you want in either grams or moles, and it is very similar looking to simple conversions. Here is what the chart looks like that we used in class.:

Here are some links to help with the understanding of Stoichiometry:


  1. Thanks for making this post Holly! I like how you put a picture of the basic process of stoichiometry- that was helpful. Also the links and the end were really nice to learn more about the unit!

  2. This is a really helpful post because it does a good job at explaining our lesson in class to anyone who wasn't there or didn't understand. Also, the links were very useful for helping with comprehension, thanks for posting!!
