Sunday, December 13, 2015

Copper (II) Chloride Lab

Thursday and Friday in class we work on this new Copper (II) Chloride Lab. On Thursday, we measured the mass of the baby food jar first. Then my partner measured out 4g of Copper (II) Chloride and 50.0mL of water. While she was doing that, I was cleaning off our nail with steel wool so that the reaction could go faster. I took the mass of the nail and added it to the dissolved solution my partner had made.

On Friday, after it had rested for a complete 24 hours, there was some copper that had formed already. We took out the nail and washed it off into the jar. The bottom half of the nail that was in the solution looked to be about half as thick as it originally was. We then drained the liquid that was in the jar, and added 25mL of HCl to it. We then drained this out and added 25mL of distilled water and drained this also. At the end of this day, we were left with copper that is drying over this weekend.

1 comment:

  1. Holly, I agree with you, this lab was a very fun lab as well as demonstrating the percent yield process very well. First going through the notes I didn't really understand what she meant by actual and theoretical yield. Now through the experiences with the lab, I now understand that the theoretical is the "percent scenario" and the actual is what is produced in lab. You then plug the numbers back into the formula to find the percent yield. My percent yield was 76%, and great job on your post!
