Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Molarity Lab day 1

Today in class, we conducted the molarity lab This was somewhat set up like the game Clue, with various suspects with different weapons, from which we have to determine who killed Miss Scarlett. From the background information, we have two available test solutions, NaCl and Na2CO3, and two different possible murder weapons, AgNO3, and KI.
First we had to set up four double replacement reactions to figure out how the possible murderous solutions would react with the known solutions provided. With this, we found that both reactions with KI created two aqueous products, otherwise would not precipitate, and therefore these KI cannot be the murder weapon. In our experiment today, we combined 10mL of the unknown solution with 25mL of Na2CO3. This turned into a white fluid that looked like milk, but when looking closely, we could see that there was crystallization occurring. Next, we took filter paper, weighed it on the balance, and placed it in a funnel over a beaker. The crystals then collected in filter paper when the fluid drained out and this was left in class overnight to dry.
Here are some pictures from our experiment:

1 comment:

  1. I really liked the pictures you took for this lab! They really helped me envision the procedure you were describing. Also, noting that you did the 4 double-replacement reactions to start this lab helped me remember the purpose of this lab. Nice job!
