Sunday, May 8, 2016

Quiz Prep

Before the quiz on Friday, I found many websites for practice to differentiate between the three laws and to be more familiar with the concepts of gases. Here are some links I used to prepare for my quiz:

Avagadro's Law

The last lesson we had before the quiz was introducing us to Avogadro's Law. This law states that for a gas at constant temperature and pressure, the volume is directly proportional to the number of moles present, which means that the formula looks like this:
We had to also use our mole road map for the volume and mass of what we were dealing wit. One important number for STP we had to memorize was 22.4L.
Here is how it would look:
Also, the graph would remain linear:
Practice for this law:

Charle's Law

The second day in lessons, we added to our gas laws and learned Charle's Law. This states that temperature and volume vary directly with each other, using the same formula, and this is at constant pressure. It is important to remember that this also must be done in Kelvin, so to convert from celsius to Kelvin, you have to add 273.15 to the original C.
This is what the formula is directly for this, and what it would look like:
The graph of this relationship would also look like this:
Here are more links for practice:

Gas Laws Intro

Our first lesson in this unit introduced us into the characteristics of gases and measuring pressures. We learned that ages expand spontaneously to fill their container, have no definite volume, are highly compressible, form homogeneous mixtures, and have molecules that are relatively far apart from one another.
Then, we went into converting into different units of pressure, where we had to memorize a similar chart:

Then, we learned about Boyle's law, which come of the basis of:
This law states that relationship between pressure and volume is an inverse relationship, and holds true at constant temperature and moles. We then did some practice problems and looked at how the law works.
Here are some links to help with this lesson and overall gasses:

Second Phase Lesson

The second lesson had much more information than the first, and was pack with memorizing graphs and flow charts.
To start, we went through the flow chart to determine what kind of inter and intramolecular forces were within a compound.
This is the flow chart that we followed, and we went over being polar and how hydrogen bonding examples needed to make FONCLs (phone calls).
We then went to look at examples that determined what state a compound was in, thus making us determine if the intramolecular force was covalent or ionic, and what the intermolecular force was based on the flow chart.
Next we looked at various curves so we could see the differences in phase changes. This is similar to what ours looked like.
We then looked at phase diagrams and did situations to where the compound would be.

Here are some extra links for practice:

New Energy Phase Unit

Lately in Chemistry, we have gone over the Unit of phase changes where we have gone through the bonding forces as well as the physical properties between the different phases. First we went over the differences in energies, where kinetic is in motion. Also, and important thing to remember was energy lost=energy gained.
Next we learned about end and exothermic processes.
Here is a picture demonstrating how endothermic take in energy and exothermic release energy
The last big part of this lesson was the formula Q=Mc(Tf-Ti)
to plug into this formula, you must know that Q is heat in joules, m is mass in grams, c is specific heat in (J/g C), and T is change in temp.
This shows the process:

Here are some more links for practice and understanding of this:

Sunday, April 17, 2016

Making fuel and Boat

For the final part of our Biodiesel explorations, we went back into lab and made biodiesel that we later used in our boats. After making it in the lab one day, we had to let it sit overnight so it could separate, and we could remove the bodiless from the glycerin and glycerol.
Here is what that looked like:

Then, with this fuel we built a small putt putt boat out of an Altoids tin and fueled it in a candle with the fuel we made. Our boat got the third fastest time, and for that we got extra credit!
Here is what our boat looks like:
Links to how to build a putt putt boat: