Sunday, March 6, 2016

Quantum Numbers

The final lesson before our first quiz was quantum numbers. We learned that each element is assigned to four quantum numbers, being first the principal quantum number, n, which is the period number for all except d orbitals, and it labels the shell number. Second is the Angular Momentum Quantum Number, l, and this number is determined from the type of sublevel, either 0,1,2,3 for s,p,d,f. Third is the Magnetic Quantum Number, m1, which labels the orbital subtype, and corresponds with the number of orbitals in each orbital type. So, if it were an s orbital it would only be zero, with only one space for the two electrons to be  _ . If it were in the p orbital, it would have three spaces _ _ _ labeled left to right -1,0,1. This will expand each level one on each side with the two orbitals in each level. The fourth part of the Quantum number is the Spin Quantum Number, which is the direction in which the electron is facing in the last orbital. Therefore, if the electron in the figure is facing up, it is given the +1/2, and if it is facing down, it is given a -1/2.
Here are some links to help practice:



  1. I really like the picture you added. I think it does a good job simplifying quantum numbers and it gives a excellent visual summary. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Agreed with Bri once again! Your thorough explanation does a good job of providing all of the necessary information. The picture helps break it down really well too.
